
Yoga for you and bring baby too.
Sometimes it can take a few weeks before you feel physically or mentally ready to start practicing yoga after your baby is born.
4 weeks after a vaginal birth and 8 weeks after a caesarean birth can be a good time to start. However, depending on what type of birth you have had you may feel ready to start postnatal yoga before this or simply want some support and contact with Alison and other mums in the early days. So you can of course join earlier and do as much or as little physical yoga as you wish.
Alison will always make sure the physical practice is the right level for where you are at in your postnatal healing.
Listen to your body and join class when you feel ready. If you're not sure contact Alison for a chat.​
learn postnatal healing breath - for abdominal and pelvic floor muscle strength
regain strength and tone
time for you and your baby to enjoy practice together
stay connected with other new mums
time to support each other and share
time to ask Alison questions
Postnatal yoga is a wonderful practice for you to re-find your physical strength and tone after giving birth whilst spending supportive time with other new mums. Your postnatal practice can be just for you or your baby can join in too.
You might think you need to wait until your baby is asleep before you try to create time for some yoga for yourself.
Alison will show you how to benefit from your yoga practice whilst enjoying being together with your baby – yoga is after all about connection.
Postnatal yoga helps you and your baby to connect in a really enjoyable and beautiful way whilst planting some powerful lifelong seeds for your baby about the power and enjoyment of yoga.
Then when your baby sleeps you can sleep too! 😊