“Going to Alison’s pregnancy yoga class was my weekly sanctuary during my pregnancy. I have been to Alison’s classes throughout both my pregnancies and recommend them to EVERYONE. Alison is a brilliant yoga teacher and knows pretty much everything about having a baby. I loved having pregnancy class with such an experienced midwife. She had a wise, down-to-earth answer for everything. She even helped me find a doula that I used both times. I always had the best night sleep after yoga with Alison and her perfectly relaxing voice. Thanks so much Alison, I might be back for number 3.” Kate
“I attended sessions with Alison for both my pregnancies and they were consistently excellent. I used her techniques for the birth and they were so powerful! I remember hearing her calming voice in my head whilst using the breathing techniques. The yoga was amazing for my strength and recovery. Unfortunately, I moved away half way through my second pregnancy and I felt my body miss the sessions, great to see they are now online :-) if we decide on a 3rd I'll be back!” Sophie
“Although things were a little different to what we were expecting due to Covid the labour itself was a really positive experience for me and I absolutely think this is massively down to your yoga classes! I used all the breathing techniques throughout - my favourite being the humming bee breath on all fours with lots of hip circles and cat/cow movements.
Wednesday evenings were an absolute highlight of my whole pregnancy - your classes made me feel so good; the healing yoga practice, balanced with your knowledgeable advice and experience, as well as the kind, warm environment you made was just brilliant.” Laura
“I really wanted to go to pregnancy yoga classes as I knew as a long-time yoga student myself how powerful yoga is and I wanted to get ready for my babies as best as I could. I was having twins and a very high-risk pregnancy for other reasons too and was told I could not come to pregnancy yoga by 3 yoga teachers, my midwife and all my doctors. I had given up all hope but my friend told me to try Alison as she really helped my friend in both her pregnancies and my friend said she was an experienced midwife and just lovely too. So, I then found Alison like a shining light of wise sanity and calmness. She understood that I needed to be with other pregnant women and relax and learn the breathing and all the other stuff just as much as anyone else. I didn’t do any physical poses but I always got so much out of the class as Alison’s classes are so much more than just a yoga class. Alison gave me just as much care and attention as she does to everyone and my stress levels just vanished. Alison helped me enjoy being pregnant and trust my body when everyone at all my hospital antenatal appointments just made me worry. I had a natural birth of one baby boy and one baby girl with no medication or interventions and I absolutely believe it was because I used all the tips and tools that Alison taught us and she had shown me how to have the power of confidence and trust in myself. Sorry for the long review but believe me it could have been a lot longer! I would recommend Alison’s classes to every pregnant woman.” Becky
“I've been doing yoga with Alison since 13 weeks and I've found it so helpful in my pregnancy! It's great to have a yoga teacher who was also a midwife with years of experience and it feels like a really tight knit class, even over zoom.” Sarah
“Pregnancy yoga with Alison has been one of the biggest sources of support in my pregnancy. I’ve valued the chance to continue practising yoga in a way I can trust is safe for my baby and the classes have also given me confidence to take part in non-pregnancy yoga and to know what I should and should not do. The combination of breathing and yoga postures have provided a lovely moment of calm in the week to connect with the baby and my body. It has also supported my physical health and helped me adapt to my changing body, and deal with muscle aches and stretching ligaments.
But the classes are about so much more than just the physical practice. Alison is so generous with her time and knowledge. She spends time at the beginning and end of each class checking in with everyone, and answering any questions we have. Knowing that I can ask her anything about the pregnancy and labour has been more valuable than I can say. Time with NHS midwifes is often short and infrequent, great as they are. But knowing that I have the chance to ask Alison any questions that come up week by week, with her many years of experience as a midwife, has been hugely reassuring to me.
Alison has also helped me feel confident that my body can cope with the changes coming its way and the labour, as well as looking after my baby once he’s born. This has meant so much to me when so many people want to tell me how hard and painful everything is.
Last but certainly not least, through the pregnancy yoga I’ve met a lovely community of women having babies around the same time as me and they have provided a lot of support too. Alison set up a WhatsApp group so we could all keep in contact.” Polly
“I only found Alison’s classes when I was 30 weeks pregnant after my friend told me about them. I had a never done yoga in my life or any exercise really so I was pretty nervous and felt like I would be surrounded by skinny yummy mummies chanting mantras. I did not need to worry! I made some of my best friends at that class – we are still friends now 7 years later and 3 of us our children go to school together! Alison’s class was so down to earth and filled with care and humour. The last 10 weeks of my pregnancy were the most enjoyable as I learned everything I needed to know to prepare for the birth and I found new friendships that will last a lifetime. Thank you Alison – it was a long time ago now but I always remember your classes with very happy memories.” Francoise
“Thanks Alison, I love coming to your classes every week. When you tell us every week that I am already the perfect mum for my baby (don't know if I believe it!) my eyes fill with tears and I smile. It is worth coming to your wonderful classes just to hear those words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Jenelle
“Wonderful news Alison, I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl last week and all I could hear in my head (as I was on all fours doing my hip circles of course!) was your lovely voice talking me through my breathing and telling me I could do anything for one minute. And I did over and over again with complete trust and confidence until baby Freya was in my arms. I could not have asked for a more peaceful, pain-free birth and although you were not in the room you were there with me every step of the way in my head. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Sofia
“I went to Alison’s classes throughout the whole of my pregnancy and at first I wanted to continue with my strong, physically challenging yoga practice that I loved so much. I had already walked out of another pregnancy class because they just wanted me to breathe and relax! I didn’t believe that pregnancy should change how fit and strong I am. Alison never said I couldn’t or shouldn’t but every week she invited us to listen to our own body and slowly I did. As my body changed so did my yoga practice until I was doing poses in such a gentle way that I would have rolled my eyes at previously but I started to feel the benefits to practicing this way. Thank you Alison for accepting where I was at (in my stubborn, don’t mess with my yoga practice because I am an experienced yogi mindset) and then gently guiding me to where I needed to be for me and my baby. I went onto have a fabulous, enjoyable, mind-blowing, pain-free labour and birth using everything I had learnt in class.” Caitlin